Wealth File #6 - Admire Rich & Successful People: Public Feedback Review

According to Eker's book: Rich people "admire other rich and successful people."
Also according to Eker's book: Poor people "resent rich and successful people."

Public Perspective Overview on Eker's Wealth File #6 – "Admire Rich & Successful People"

T. Harv Eker's sixth wealth file centers on the attitude and perspective individuals hold towards affluent and successful people.

Eker's stance, distilled to its essence, advocates for admiration and respect towards the wealthy rather than harboring resentment or jealousy.

To the general public, this principle can be seen as a reflection of a broader life philosophy: the idea that admiration can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth, while envy can stymie it.

The narrative that Eker constructs around the idea that rich people should be admired can be interpreted by many as a call to adopt a mindset of learning and emulation.

Instead of harboring negative emotions towards those who've achieved success, recognizing their achievements and perhaps even learning from their journeys can be infinitely more beneficial.

This perspective emphasizes the belief that success leaves clues, and by admiring and studying those who've achieved it, one can potentially replicate it.

On the flip side, Eker's implicit message that holding negative perceptions towards the wealthy can be detrimental resonates with many.

The public often understands that jealousy, cynicism, or resentment can create a mental block, preventing individuals from recognizing and pursuing opportunities.

It's as if by resenting success, one subconsciously rejects it for oneself.

Many discussions in public forums and among communities often reflect real-life experiences where people's attitudes towards the wealthy changed over time.

Some recount how shifting from envy to admiration opened doors, both in terms of opportunities and personal growth.

The underlying sentiment is that by celebrating others' success, one invites positive energy and possibilities into one's own life.

In essence, Eker's "Admire Rich & Successful People" wealth file highlights the transformative power of positive perspectives.

To the public, this isn't just a lesson about wealth but a broader life lesson: that by choosing admiration over envy, one can align oneself with success, growth, and abundance.

How much truth there is in this belief for you as an individual, you can share with us by leaving your own personal rating, review and commentary on this wealth file:

Public Review & Commentary Report on Eker's Wealth File #6: "Admire Rich & Successful People"

The sixth wealth file in T. Harv Eker's series emphasizes the idea of admiring the rich and successful. 

This principle nudges readers to shift from any negative preconceptions about wealth to a place of respect and aspiration. 

The objective is to emulate success, not resent it. The public's reception to this wealth file is varied, with a mix of endorsement, critique, and contemplative discourse.

Public Unpacking of this Wealth File:

The rich secrets of the millionaire mind include emulating people who inspire them.

Hence Eker’s suggestion to admire rich & successful people as a means to becoming a person you, yourself, can respect and value.

The highest net worth individuals are selective on what they do, where they go, which investments to choose, which passive income streams to invest in, how they save as well as spend their time and money, and of course, where they feel welcome.

Most of the time, poor people see other people’s success with resentment, jealousy, and envy.

Or they would say, “They’re so lucky,” or whisper under their breath, “Those rich jerks.”

In "Wealth File #06," T. Harv Eker discusses the importance of associating with, and admiring rich & successful people for personal wealth growth. 

He contrasts the attitudes of rich and poor individuals towards the wealthy, revealing that while wealthy individuals emulate and also admire rich & successful people, poor people often harbor resentment towards them.

Eker suggests that one of the keys to a wealthy mindset is the admiration of those who have achieved success. 

This admiration is not merely about envy or aspiration; it's about recognizing the traits and strategies that have led others to success and learning from them. 

Rich people understand that success leaves clues, and they look to successful individuals as models for their own journey.

Conversely, Eker observes that poor people often view successful individuals with jealousy, resentment, or skepticism. 

They might dismiss their success as luck or even vilify them, creating a psychological barrier that prevents them from achieving their own success. 

Eker argues that this mindset is self-defeating: how can one become what they despise?

Eker shares personal experiences of how his wealth affected his interactions with others, particularly in less affluent neighborhoods. 

He notes a marked difference in how people treated him based on the car he drove, reflecting the resentment some people feel towards visible signs of wealth.

The solution, according to Eker, is not to demonize wealth but to understand that wealth and morality are not mutually exclusive. 

He cites the work of Russell H. Conwell, who argued that making money honestly is a form of preaching the gospel and to create some context and perspective, here are some of those excerpts:

My friend, you... drive me... out into the suburbs of Philadelphia, and introduce me to the people who own their homes around this great city, so beautiful homes with gardens and flowers, those magnificent homes so lovely in their art, and I will introduce you to the very best people in character as well as in enterprise in our city....

They that own their homes are made more honorable and honest and pure, and true and economical and careful, by owning them.

We preach against covetousness...in the pulpit...and use the terms...“filthy lucre” so extremely that Christians get the idea that...it is wicked for any man to have money.

Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it! You ought because you can do more good with it than you can without it.

Money printed your Bibles, money builds your churches, money sends your missionaries, and money pays your preachers....I say, then, you ought to have money.

If you can honestly attain unto riches...it is your... godly duty to do so.

It is an awful mistake of these pious people to think you must be awfully poor in order to be pious.  -Russell H. Conwell in his book, Acres of Diamonds

Conwell's view, much like Eker’s, is that money is a tool that can be used for good, and striving for wealth is not only morally acceptable but in fact, a desirable duty.

Eker emphasizes that trustworthiness and a positive reputation are critical to gaining and maintaining wealth. 

He lists several traits that are commonly found in successful people, such as positivity, integrity, reliability, focus, determination, and expertise in a specific area. 

By aspiring to these qualities and associating with those who embody them, as well as choosing to admire rich & successful people, one can enhance their own journey towards wealth.

In conclusion, Wealth File #06 from Eker’s teachings is about the power of positive association and the importance of admiring and learning from successful individuals. 

This wealth file encourages readers to shift their perception of the rich from resentment to admiration, recognizing that this change in attitude is pivotal for personal growth and wealth accumulation.

The author therefore encourages the reader to admire rich & successful people so as to bless what they truly desire and be in alignment rather than contestation with abundance.

Positive Feedback from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in praise of this Wealth File:

Reframing Mindsets: 

Many commend Eker's attempt to reframe societal perspectives on wealth. 

By promoting admiration, the principle encourages individuals to seek inspiration from successful figures, viewing them as role models rather than adversaries.

Counteracting Jealousy: 

This wealth file is seen by many as a way to counteract feelings of jealousy or resentment which can be destructive and hinder personal growth.

Encourages Networking: 

A segment of the audience appreciates how this mindset can lead to better networking opportunities. 

By admiring the rich and successful, individuals are more likely to approach and learn from them, paving the way for mentorship and collaboration.

Areas of Contention from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in criticism of this Wealth File:

Over-Simplification of Success: 

Critics point out that this principle might lead to the oversimplification of what constitutes "success." 

Not all wealthy individuals have achieved their status ethically or admirably.

Perpetuation of Materialism: 

Detractors voice concerns about fostering a purely materialistic mindset. 

They worry that this file might inadvertently encourage admiration based solely on financial status, ignoring other vital metrics of success and personal worth.

Potential for Misplaced Admiration: 

Not all rich and successful people are necessarily good role models. 

Critics caution against blind admiration without a deeper understanding of an individual's values and methods.

Nuanced Feedback from the Public

Reviewed from the public perspective, here's what is said in subtle consideration of this Wealth File:

Definition of Success: 

The discourse also delves into the multifaceted nature of success. 

While financial prosperity is one dimension, other facets like ethical considerations, societal contributions, and personal happiness come into the conversation.

Wealth Creation vs. Wealth Inheritance: 

The public conversation differentiates between self-made success stories and those who inherit their wealth. 

The former often garner more admiration due to the perceived effort and innovation involved.

Cultural Considerations: 

Different cultures have varying views on wealth and success. 

While Eker's principle might resonate in societies that highly value financial success, it could be perceived differently in cultures where success has a more holistic or communal definition.

Conclusion from the Public

Eker's Wealth File #6 offers a fresh lens on how society perceives the wealthy and successful. 

While it has its champions who see it as a catalyst for positive change, fostering growth-oriented mindsets and encouraging networking, it's not without its critics. 

The file sparks deeper conversations on the nature of success, the ethics of wealth acquisition, and the cultural nuances that shape our views. 

It serves as a reminder that success, wealth, and admiration are complex, multifaceted constructs that elicit a spectrum of reactions from the public.

Source: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker © 2003

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Frequently Asked Questions About Why We Admire Rich & Successful People

Has your Mind ever wondered...

What are 3 habits of a rich person?

They have a purpose for their wealth.

They’re focused and committed to being rich.

They are disciplined in the management, planning, saving and spending of their earnings.

What is the personality of a rich person?

Most rich people and self-made millionaires are focused individuals who work every day on their self-mastery, self-discipline and personal balance, managing all aspects of their lives responsibly and mindfully. 

What is the difference between a rich and successful person?

Being rich is about much more than just owning assets, although the general idea is that a rich person has a high net worth. 

Being successful on the other hand is similar to being financially free, where the reward is based on the privilege to live your own life, unapologetically on your terms.

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