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Q&A: Why It Is Better To Have Rich People Problems

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In Today’s Q&A T. Harv Eker is requested to discuss what people rarely ask him and we look at how he responds with an interesting question that he was asked once about what it’s like to be rich and have rich people problems, that never came up again…

This particular topic happens to be around the very thing most people struggle to live with daily… themselves.

Are you ready for this?

Question from Community:

“Harv, sometimes we don’t know the ‘right’ questions to ask, so let me ask you this…

What is a question that you wish people would ask you, but rarely do?”

Harv's Answer:

Wow, this is unusual, so Harv’s grateful for a really great question!

Harv doesn’t know if he really wishes people would ask him anything in particular.

But he says that there are certain things that people ask him all the time that he barely gets to talk about during mentoring.

This question is specific, so Harv will focus on something rare that only ever came up once.

It’s a question that’s always stuck in the back of his mind and he thought it would make a great topic of discussion.

And here it is…

”Harv, what is it really like to be rich?”

That’s an odd question, don’t you think?

So here’s Harv’s perspective, which is not right, it’s not wrong, not true or false, it’s just that… 

Harv’s projection.

So first, there’s this…

“What’s it really like to be rich?”

Harv’s answer to this is… 

“It’s the same, but BETTER!”

He doesn’t know how else to answer it.

Because for Harv, it really is the same, but much better okay...

And what does he mean by BETTER?

Well, it’s like it sounds, says Harv…

You have a lot more money which gives you a lot more freedom, if you allow that.

It gives you a lot more time, if you allow that.

It gives you a lot less worry about money, if you allow that.

It gives you the opportunity to help other people, if you do that.

It gives you the chance to do what you desire during the day, if you allow yourself to do that.

It gives you all kinds of freedom and opportunities, and you can do what you feel like when you feel like it, you can buy what you wish if that’s what you choose…

It’s all GREAT!

But notice what Harv keeps saying with each one of these benefits…

‘IF you allow yourself to do that…’


So yeah, you might be driving a better car when you’re rich, but you’re still complaining about the traffic.

And now you have this freedom, but do you USE your freedom?

You have money, but do you use your money wisely?

You have the ability to buy whatever you ’want’ but do you, and what do you buy?

You know, things like that.

And here’s the thing that Harv likes to bring out for this…

When Harv didn’t have money, he thought about money all the time.

He worried about money, and he was fearful around money and the lack thereof all the time.

And it was not just about the lack of money, it was about the lack of success.

That’s what Harv thought about most… “I’m not successful….” and it hurt his self-esteem.

But now that he has a lot of money, he doesn’t really think about a lack of money anymore.

Harv concerns himself with the investments though, and of course, if something’s going a little wonky, he says he certainly looks at that.

But some people, if they worry about money before they have money, they will worry about money after they have money.

If money is a problem before they get rich, money will be a problem after they get rich depending on their situation.

Primarily, we are all creatures of habit and how we do anything is how we do everything.

So generally, if you’ve done something for a long time, it’ll kind of stay with you.

If you have fears around money, just because you have more money doesn’t mean the fears go away…

You’ll find different fears according to Harv, okay?

And for him, what Harv finds is that the day-to-day nagging around money is gone, he doesn’t have that at all.

But if there is an issue of money, MAN does he get INTO IT!

It’s like, he can be into it for a week and be fricked out about it alright, so Harv makes up for it, but it’s not the day-to-day stuff.

Also, Harv noticed that before he was wealthy, he always thought that when he gets rich, he’s not going to do anything…

He reckoned he was going to do just whatever he feels like, and go shopping, or go to the beach, and he’s not going to do any work again…

No more writing, no more teaching, no more doing anything because Harv’s now done.

Harv’s had enough of this, it choked him he says.

He’s had to do this every day and he had NO weekends to himself.

Every weekend, he was teaching.

Harv was flying from one place to the next and when people asked him where he lives, he told them… “I live in the frickin’ airport!”.

He spent only 31 days at his main home in a whole year!

And, you know, Harv didn’t like that.

But he said… 

“I’m a Warrior. I WILL do what I have to do.”.

And Harv likes helping people, okay, but he felt like he’s being strangled and he said… 

“When I’m rich, I’m not going to do anything like that again!”.

Well, Harv’s rich and he’s STILL DOING IT!


Because Harv says he DOES like it…

And he reaffirms that he DOES feel like helping people…

And he adds that he DOES come from a place of service…

And he believes that it’s in his HEART to do it.

So even though he said he wasn’t going to do it, Harv IS doing it.

And he swears he’s happy to be doing it.

He’s happy to have online programs, and that he and his team are able to assist a lot of people, so he insists that he enjoys doing it.

Harv says he loves being on conference calls, and interacting with people, and helping them and that’s why he does it in this way...

He laments that if people don’t interact with him, he doesn’t like it, he no longer enjoys it as much and that’s part of why he loves the mentoring, for the interactions.

So yeah, when you have a lot more money, and you felt pressure before, but you’re feeling less pressure now, you can still very easily put pressure on yourself, says Harv.


So that’s one thing.

The second thing is that, as Harv laughs about with his friends, he says that we [rich successful people] still have problems, but we call them rich people problems.

Someone Harv was talking to renamed it ‘champagne problems’ and even as ridiculous as it sounds, it doesn’t matter because…

To the mind, a problem is a problem is a problem!

It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or if you’re broke or if you’re middle class or whatever…

If you’ve got a problem, your mind thinks that it’s the end of the world, doesn’t it?

Before, Harv’s ‘broke-person’ problem was… 

“I don’t know how I’m going to pay rent at the end of this month…”.

And his mind would frick out, and he’d be all upset, and he’s terse and he’s like… 

“What the hell!”... and he’s b!tchin’ and all that.

But NOW, Harv says that when he finds out that one of the resorts he’s planning on going to at Christmas time doesn’t have any oceanfront rooms left, he’s like…

“What the ’Frick?!

What the hell man!

I can’t believe it!

Two days ago it did!

What happened here?

I’m not going to stay in some oceanview room!

What the hell?

Who knows what I’ll see?

A quarter of the ocean?

It says ‘oceanfront’ and ‘oceanview’ for a reason…

I know what oceanview is.

It’s not oceanfront.

I want oceanfront!”

Now, Harv says he doesn’t mean to be a jerk about this, and he knows he sounds like a jerk…

It’s not Harv that’s the jerk, it’s his MIND that’s the jerk, he says.

You see, that mind is still the same

“I have to get what I want!

I’m not happy if I don’t get what I want!

I deserve it!

I’m entitled!

I should be ‘this’!

I should be ‘that’!

Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!”


And all of these are just unhappy thoughts, right?

So then Harv will notice it and he’ll go…

“Wow man, okay listen…

There’s billions of people that can’t even eat tomorrow and you’re worried about a frickin’ oceanfront room?

Get a life man!

You've got rich people problems remember!”

Then he takes a breath and goes…

“Thank you for sharing…

I’m over it.

Let’s try and find a place where we can get the kind of room we’d like, or we’ll just be happy with an oceanview room.



So Harv says he gets over it, but it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t FEEL the PROBLEM right away.

With other rich people problems, it’s the same thing according to Harv…

When there are no more first-class seats or he has to use an airline that doesn’t have first-class…

Or when the irrigation has to be replaced at one of Harv’s rentals and he’s thinking… 

“I don’t use it, I don’t need it, I didn’t break it!”

It never fails!

It still FEELS like a problem to Harv!

It FEELS THE SAME as when he didn’t have money to pay rent!

Poor people problems, rich people problems, middle-class people problems are still problems.

A problem is a problem!

Harv’s reaction to the problem is the same, but he says he just gets over it more quickly and he KNOWS in the back of his mind it’s not really a problem…

He’s just making a big deal out of nothing.


So what Harv is saying is that he’d rather have rich people problems, and being RICH is fantastic but YOU have to ALLOW rich to be fantastic.

And so, the bottom line is that there’s a great lesson from this and that lesson is…

BE NOW WHO YOU’D LIKE TO BE LATER, especially if later is rich.

In other words, PRACTICE who you’d like to be later…

As a person who doesn’t worry…

As a person who enjoys freedom…

As a person who doesn’t let little things bother them etc.

BE Now.

Practice that now.

Be NOW who you’d like to be later because WHY?

Because we’re creatures of habit.

And you take yourself with you wherever you go.

And here’s the big one…

If you’d like to be happy later, PRACTICE being happy now.

If you’d like to be confident later, PRACTICE being confident now.

If you’d like to be peaceful later, PRACTICE being peaceful now.

If you’d like to be connected with Spirit later, PRACTICE being connected with Spirit now.

Whatever you think you want or desire or would like in the future…

Practice it NOW, says Harv.


Because this is the ONLY time you live.

And you’re practicing something, training your brain to do something.

You’re training your body and who you are to be something.

Your character becomes ingrained and then you take that with you regardless of your financial situation later.

And it doesn’t matter what your situation is, Harv says, you’ll still find your problems if you’re a ‘problem person’.

Do you understand that?

So how’s being rich?

Rich is fantastic.

Rich is the SAME, but BETTER, and that’s the world according to Harv.

Next Steps

Use the same tactics millionaires use to overcome their mindset challenges, with proven strategies to be happier and to become unstoppable in life and in business by adjusting your attitude and mindset in favor of the success you'd like to achieve.

Change what you can, accept what you can't, and focus on what you can control, and persist in your belief that there is always a way to get what you really want, even if it means you have to seek alternatives to tradition.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Rich People Problems

Has your Mind ever wondered…

What characteristics do wealthy people have in common?

Millionaires, wealthy, and successful people know that you are your habits and that how you do anything is how you do everything.

They think in ways that support the life and results they desire.

What is universal among those with rich people problems is their mindset, the relationship they have with money, and their willingness to take action in spite of fear to achieve their goals.

These 11 principles to unlock financial freedom best describe the state of mind of wealthy people.

With powerful ways of thinking, the 17 Wealth Files capture the supportive language most rich people use that anyone can adopt to start transforming from the inside out.

And if you'd rather have rich people problems than the problems you're having right now, then start with how you think about your life.

It will take some time and work to get there, but only you can make the changes necessary to go from having problems that rob you of life force, to having rich people problems that are far more pleasant to have.

What is the rich and poor mentality?

The more you learn about the greatest mindset differences between rich and poor people, the more evident it becomes that, if you’d like to become successful and rich, you will have to release your limiting beliefs around money.

Look, problems are problems, but wouldn’t you rather have rich people problems than poor people problems?

And if there’s a chance of that happening for you, isn’t it in your best interest to switch your money mindset on for wealth? 

So instead of focusing your attention on what you lack, start focusing your attention on what you aim to achieve and how to get there, because the quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.

Do rich people have problems?

Yes they do, because everybody has the kind of problems they allow themselves to have.

Whether you have rich people problems, middle-class people problems, or poor people problems all depends on how you think about your life, about wealth, and about success.

You can be a hugely successful, wealthy human being even if your net worth isn’t in the millions in the same way that you can be utterly destitute even if you have tons of money in the bank.

You have to learn how to manage your resources, your weaknesses, your character, and your mindset.

It comes down to perspective, character, and having the ability to be grateful for, and keep as well as grow what you do have.

Rich people problems may have a different flavor than poor people problems, but YOU are the one who allows a problem to be an issue, and you're also the one who gives a situation its definition based on who you are.

Do you think that your rich people problems will be any different to your current problems if you win the lottery, or get promoted?

If you do, you'll have to think again because if you truly wish to build a life you love living, you simply must master your mind first.

What are rich people's problems?

When we’re comparing rich people problems to the kind of problems middle-class and poor people have, it often comes down to the material aspect of money and available options.

Poor people might be stressed out about their ability to pay rent at the end of the month, and afford groceries, and get their bills paid.

Their focus is primarily on what is lacking in their lives, and remember, what you focus on expands.

Rich people might be stressed out because first class is all booked up on their preferred airline.

And, for many rich people who stay successful, consistently reminding themselves of what they have to be grateful for is a positive trigger for them to snap out of limiting thinking patterns and realize that it serves them better to maintain focus on thoughts that support their happiness, wealth, and success.

Problems don't disappear just because you have money, but your way of thinking could determine the difference between having rich people problems or continuing to have the kind of problems you'd rather not have.

So it’s not the problem that’s the problem, it’s the YOU part of the problem that determines what kind of problem you have because you give everything in your life its meaning.

If you’d rather have rich people problems than broke-person problems, you can learn how to develop a millionaire mindset and change your life for the better.

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Nataly soto

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