Learn From The Smartest Millionaire Minds in Business

How to Create Wealth | Embracing the Millionaire Spirit

If no one has taught you how to create wealth yet, you’ll enjoy these insights from two millionaire authors who both had to learn a few hard lessons before making their fortunes.

On the one hand, we have multimillionaire T. Harv Eker who authored the New York Times Bestselling book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and believes that money is a result of our inner world.

And on the other, we have multimillionaire John Assaraf who authored two New York Times Bestselling books, ‘Having It All’ and ‘The Answer’, and in his most recent book called Innercise, quotes Hellen Keller in saying…

“What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me.”

That’s essentially two highly successful multimillionaires both confirming that the innermost part of who you are as a person, is the key to unlocking your ultimate life and worth mastering if you wish to create wealth.

More than sharing the millionaire spirit and habits of excellence, both authors have another thing in common - owning a business.

How Can You Create Wealth?

We can all agree that having no limits on what you earn or generate in income is a great rule to apply in order to create wealth.

And the best way to have no limits on your income, according to rich experts, is to own a business.

This positions you strategically where you’re no longer exchanging your time for money, over and above having more control over your income in a situation where you make the rules.

At the core of your success will be the person you choose to be, the vision you have, your willingness to learn and grow, and what you intend with your wealth.

How to Create Wealth Successfully

Remember, we live in a fractal universe where there’s no such thing as a straight line.

This means that the business you own to help others solve problems depends on who you are, and the path one person will take can be different from the path that you’ll take.

Everyone has a life purpose and when you know yours, wealth experts believe that you can create wealth around it.

We’ll look at what these two authors suggest in terms of how to go about creating wealth in business, and you can apply their techniques and see the results for yourself.

8 Principles to Create Wealth - T. Harv Eker

Now, T. Harv Eker will stress the point that in order to create wealth, you have to be financially free first and it makes sense.

If you have enough income to take care of your basic human survival requirements to free up your time so you can focus on building or expanding your empire, it’s great!

But what if you can only start your business as a side hustle?

Consider if and how these 8 principles from Harv can help to get you started.

If you’re going to work hard, you might as well get rich, and the quicker the better. -T. Harv Eker

Principle #01: Develop the RIGHT Mindset

Harve urges you to believe and understand that getting rich is achievable, and that it is achievable for YOU.

The world’s changing at a rapid pace, and you must adapt accordingly.

The markets and technology are changing as quickly as people’s interest and this is something you can capitalize on to create wealth.

Harv also insists that you have to be willing to learn and grow.

And that you do this in a way that suits you, as some people like to take it slower and be methodical, while others prefer to jump in head first and just go-go-go!

Knowing yourself and having a plan is essential, says Harv.

Principle #02: Deliver Great Value

Value for money is what will determine your income, according to Harv.

And, delivering value in exchange for money is the business of trade, he adds, in the arena of business.

The less you deliver, the less you get paid based on the value in the marketplace.

So it is recommended that you exceed your own expectations.

Harv mentions four factors that will determine your income:

  1. Demand - Is the value you provide hot in demand right now?
  2. Supply - Is the value you offer limited in supply so that you can increase the value of it?
  3. Quality - Is the quality of the value you provide a cut above the rest?
  4. Quantity - Do you have systems in place to consistently continue providing your value as exchange?

Principle #03: Strategic Timing

Because timing’s everything, Harv says that it helps to have the right service or product available to the right audience at the time that is most optimal.

By keeping your eye on fluctuating markets, supply, and demand, Harv assures that you can adapt accordingly.

When demand is high, he suggests that you stay on board but when demand drops, get out.

If you’re unable to adapt your product or service in a meaningful way, Harv urges you to consider the potential of modeling what does work with the current demands.

Whether you improve on existing solutions, piggyback, or prefer to affiliate with others who are winning, Harv says that you can stay in the game.

There are many ‘under-marketed’ services and products out there, so if you come across these, Harv shares that you can get in the action and create wealth by bringing them to the fore.

Principle #04: Systemize Your Business

According to Harv, your business operates on these three essential parts: Production, Administration, and Marketing.

But each of them requires specific processes so they can run in your absence.

Harv defines a business system as “a repeatable process that produces profit”.

And he brings the stark reality to light that if you’re working IN your business instead of ON it, you’re basically an employee.

The whole idea behind what Harv calls a business system is to free up time and money so that you can use what you have to create wealth in every way.

Principle #05: Duplicate What Works  

Having a business system also allows you to duplicate what works so you can offer a higher quantity of value and often, to a higher quality too, Harv adds.

Because if what you’re doing works on a smaller scale, he asserts that it will work on a larger scale.

Here’s where the ‘learn-do-rinse-repeat’ idea fits in beautifully because if you get your timing right, systemize your business, and duplicate what works, Harv says that you are expanding.

Principle #06: Leverage What You Have

How many times have we heard “Work smarter, not harder!”?

Harv urges you to think about how you’re able to provide value to people in your sleep or with little to no personal effort, travel, and time consumption on your part.

Whether you’re contemplating licensing, add-ons, repeat sales, marketing partnerships, or joint ventures, Harv insists that the avenues you can distribute your leverage into are vast.

You can skillfully utilize other people’s resources for growth for you and for them to create wealth and mutual benefit, he asserts.

With this mindset, you’re not only capitalizing on opportunities for yourself but sharing and helping others too.

Principle #07: Cash Out

If you can start your business with ‘the end in mind’, Harv believes that with these principles, you can create some enviable choices.

You can set up a profitable business and continue working in it for an income.

Or you can delegate your work and maintain a passive income.

Or you could sell part or all of your business to become a millionaire on the spot.

Alternatively, Harv is suggesting that you can combine all these options.

What he is saying though is that ‘you’ll never make as much money running a business as selling a business’.

Keeping the end in mind means that you’ll focus on what someone else might be buying from you such as the profits, continuation of such profits, and the potential growth of said profits.

Principle #08: Do It Right Now 

If you’re seeking freedom, then Harv is saying ‘Here it is’…

Learn - Do - Rinse - Repeat.

Be now who you’d like to be later.

Practice it until it becomes your character.

Knowledge without action will not make you rich.

But your mindset, habits and follow through very well may, if you manage it right according to Harv.

The Secrets of a Business Millionaire Mindset - John Assaraf

One of the biggest mistakes people make in their business, says John, is that they don’t know what their role is in their business.

Of course, there’s a formula for success in business, but most business owners make the mistake of wearing all the hats instead of delegating certain roles with a specific formula.

There’s the visionary, the salesperson, the marketer, the driver, the engineer and it’s easy to get lost in the responsibilities of making a business successful, John adds.

The engineer is the person who can see the business from the vision all the way through each individual piece that must be in place to create wealth.

Unless you think in a way that is structured, it can be difficult putting all the strategies and actions together to be successful.

John admits that his current 7-figure a-month company is not the great success it is because he’s smart, but because he follows a specific process as well as some rules of the business game.

Much like solving a Rubik’s cube, unless you have learned the best ways to solve it, you’re likely to try all the millions of ways that exist (and don’t work as well) before you get it right.

If you’d like a shortcut to the most effective ways to create wealth, see what John says about mastering the mindset, skillset, and action set required to build a successful business.

#01: Mindset

According to John, all highly successful business owners have these key things in common.


First, they create a strong vision for the business they wish to create.

Because when you create a vision for your business first, you can create the roadmap to achieve your desired outcome.

Almost every ‘HOW’ already exists. -John Assaraf

How to generate leads via multiple funnels, how to advertise in local news media and social networks, how to get free publicity, how to get on TV and radio - every necessary ‘HOW’ already exists.

But John insists that you must start with your vision, and where you see your business in a year, three years, and five years from now.


Second, is mastery of the inner game of beliefs.

John asserts that you must master the belief that somehow, you really can figure it out, whether on your own, or through books or mentorship, or with the help of others.

A belief and declaration that you can do it at a conscious level is not enough though, he adds.

You must align what you consciously believe with what you secretly believe to be true.

As an example, if you believe people ‘need’ your product or service, and that it is exceptional, but you have another belief that your skills, knowledge, confidence, and resources are lacking, , John warns that you’ll have opposing beliefs.

So he asserts that you must master managing your emotions around lacking self-confidence and uncertainty if your beliefs are out of alignment.

Daily Disciplines

Third, is knowing what you should be doing as a business owner.

According to John, your greatest priority every day, if you’d like to ensure that your business survives and thrives so you can create wealth, is this formula:

T x C = R (Traffic times Conversion equals Revenue).

Traffic, as in eyeballs or leads, multiplied by your ability to Convert those leads to sales either offline or online, results in Revenue. 

So someone has to wake up every morning asking themselves… 

“How am I going to get more leads today?

And how am I going to offer people my product/service/knowledge/skill so that they want to exchange their hard-earned money for the value I offer?”   

If you don’t wake up each morning considering these questions, then you’re not a sales and marketing CEO, says John.

And that’s perfectly fine, but somebody has to be wearing that hat.

If you ask a fish to climb a tree, she will always feel stupid. -Albert Einstein

Wear the Right Hat

The expertise you have is in what it is that you do, what you specialize in.

Most people make the mistake of fighting against their natural skills and abilities by trying to do it all and wearing all the hats that keep the cogs turning in their business, John laments.

They end up being productive 20% of the time and fighting their natural propensities 80% of the time instead of focusing on their specialist abilities.

That’s why 85% of businesses fail within the first 3 years because it’s easy to come up with ideas, but to build a business takes focused expertise.

Hence, you have to learn your role.

Which of the hats are you supposed to be wearing?

And it is for this purpose, says John, that you must get your mindset ‘right’ to make sure that…

  1. You’re focusing on the right things.
  2. You have the beliefs required to achieve your objective.
  3. You’re managing your emotions around any lacking you might perceive.

If you’re not doing that, John warns that you’ll be a victim of the 85% of people who don’t get off the ground.

Of the 15% of people who succeed in building their business beyond three years, only 5% make it to 1 million and 5% of those make it to 5 million.

The great news is that you can learn how to position yourself in the minority.

#02: Strategies & Tactics

The next part to focus on if you’d like to create wealth in your business is the Who, What, Why, How, and When within your organization, says John.

Most business owners have a great vision and the goals required to achieve it.

They hunger for the lifestyle that financial freedom offers and John learned long ago that owning a business can make financial freedom a reality.

He also understood that business can be a journey of suffering and pain.

Most people who quit their job to go into business for themselves end up making less per hour, with less time off and greater stress because they’ve amped up the level of complexity in their life experience. 

At least in a job, someone else is taking care of the management, finance, sales, marketing, recruitment, I.T., and such, but when you leave, as the CEO you’re the one who must consider these aspects.  

Also, without the required expertise, John cautions that you’ll be overwhelmed, confused, making the wrong moves at the wrong time, and likely in the wrong order probably most of the time.

Unless you know HOW to do it, he adds.

So when you're building your empire, and if your value is skills or knowledge or products or services, John recommends that you ask yourself these questions:

WHO ‘needs’ or ‘wants’ what I have? 

Know specifically who your ideal customer is.

Create an avatar of your ideal customer around their gender, age, income level, biggest frustrations, fears, pains, and irritations, as well as their wants and needs.

This is important to know as the reptilian part of the brain is always seeking ways to move away from frustrations, fears, pains, and irritations before moving toward what they want, says John.

And John adds that people tend to move away from what they desire ten times faster than moving toward what they desire.

So when you really understand the person requiring your service, product, skill, or knowledge, you’re able to communicate with them in a way that resonates with both their heart and their mind, John insists.

This part of the mind, the reptilian brain, is responsible for finding things in our environment that will help us move away from suffering and pain.

WHAT do I offer people?

Many people believe that if they build it, people will come, but according to John, it doesn’t work that way.

You must find out what your ideal customers want, then build it, and then they will come, says John.

When you understand their desire, you can gauge whether or not your product or service or skills or knowledge is a good fit for them.

Stop thinking that you can help everybody because you can’t.

Get into this mindset…

Out of 100 people, there are only 3 or 4 people who want or need the value you can offer right now, and then there may be another 17 who might want or need your product or service and if you could educate them, they could move into your desired category.

That’s around 20 people you could target because the other 80% are simply window shopping, John says.

WHY should anyone choose my product or service?

According to John, you must be very clear on who your target audience is, what they’re after, and why they should choose your solution above all others.

What do you have that will cause people to want to do business with you?

Why should they exchange their money for your value?

Why YOU?

Answer the questions that are already in their head and provide evidence on why you should be their first choice, he insists.

Because if you don’t answer those questions, they will arrive at their own answers without a reason why they should do business with you.

HOW does what I offer impact the lives of others?

You must get into the psyche of your audience.

Specifically, how does your value offer solve their biggest problems, opportunities, and questions?

Don’t haphazardly hope and pray for miracles without being prepared, warns John.

WHEN is the best time for people to buy?

Everyone’s comparing products and services, says John.

Is now the best time for people to invest in your solution?

What special offer can you create to justify someone buying your product right now?

John suggests that you help them make a decision.

Systems, Processes & Predictability

Processes are well-thought-through plans and steps that can be duplicated to be able to execute a vision systematically and timeously.

Every successful business requires separate processes for every part of the business such as marketing, management, lead generation, recruitment etcetera.

Every unsuccessful business does not.

That speaks volumes, says John.

So he recommends that you develop specific processes for the moving parts of your business.

When you don’t know how to do hiring, bartering, deferring payment, and partnering, then hire, barter, defer payment, and partner with people who play at things you have to work on.

One of the biggest lessons John learned many years ago was that he was good at a couple of things, and really bad at a whole bunch of other things.

So he learned to get really great at the things he was good at and also to put the right people in place for the things he was not so good at.

It’s important to enjoy what you do, says John, and he warns that when it feels like work, you won’t enjoy it as much, so he recommends that you delegate!

You don’t have to do everything yourself, so leverage the strengths of your team.

Hire people who play at things you have to work at.

If you don’t have money to hire people, then John suggests that you barter with them.

Partner with people or hire them, but defer payment so that you can pay them out of the proceeds of your success, John remarks.

Hire, barter, defer payment, or partner with people who play at things you have to work at!

Final Thought

As a CEO, you have to shift your brain power from “I have to do it all” to “I have to figure out HOW to get it all done”.

When you don’t have the resources to get it all done, John insists that you can learn how to become resourceful.

Do only what you are uniquely qualified to do.

By adopting the right mindset, applying strategies and tactics as well as implementing systems and processes, you can start doing the right things in the right order at the right time so you can set yourself up to create wealth.

If you’re doing things you hate, you’re only doing it because you believe you have to.

There are many people who have retired and would love to work with you.

In the same way there are many people attending college or high school who have time on their hands and would gladly be part of a vision they buy into.

People will work 8 hours a day for a job they like, 12 hours a day for a boss they like and 20 hours a day for a vision they buy into. -John Assaraf

John highly recommends that you create a great vision and allow people to help you with their strengths.

Share in the success, either by payment, partnering, bartering, deferring payment, or trading products and services because people have a desire for purpose and meaning in their lives.

How do millionaires and billionaires think?

They think about how they can do what they love, how they can do what they play at and how can they get other people to help them with their vision, says John.

Conclusion: Embrace the Millionaire Spirit to Create Wealth 

The millionaire spirit is the essence of what it means to create wealth as this endeavor is an inner game.

Notice how 'mindset' is the very first thing both authors suggest in their strategy to create wealth in business.

If you’re willing to shift your focus away from making money for a moment and connect to your innermost self, you may discover that financial freedom and financial wealth are merely a result of who you truly are.

And since you are what you do, would you not rather be doing what you love with your time?

Or at the very least, making your way toward success by learning how?

Chances are that the millionaire mind declarations can motivate you into action.

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Frequently Asked Questions About How To Create Wealth

Has your Mind ever wondered…

How is wealth created?

One of the best ways to create wealth is to own a business.

This business can either be your primary income generator, a passive income stream, or a successful enterprise you end up selling at a profit if you have the end in mind when you start up.

But first, you have to set your business up correctly and in a way that ensures profitability.

And the easiest way to do that is to learn from people who have succeeded before you.

Why create wealth?

Most people work their whole lives toward becoming happy or free, forgetting that money has less to do with happiness and freedom than mindset does.

Everyone has a different purpose for their wealth, but in essence, being wealthy does have the benefit of more freedom of choice and resources.

If you’d like to create wealth in your lifetime, consider the suggestions made by both these authors to create your strategy, and remember that at the heart of the millionaire spirit rests the desire to be doing what you love.

How do people become millionaires?

Millionaires and billionaires don’t think about money as much as they think of value - there’s a difference.

If you’d like to make a lot of money, you have to help a lot of people solve a problem, and starting a business around something you love is the key.

In this post, you can learn from two authors how they propose to go about building a wealth-producing business and you’ll discover that there’s a common theme in their suggested strategies.

The first thing to do is to get into the right mindset.

If you’d like to be unstoppable in every area of your life, achieve your goals, and apply the strategies necessary to create wealth, learn how to develop a millionaire mindset!

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