Rated 4.8 out of 5

Robert Kiyosaki

A Comprehensive Public Review And Analysis

General Public Overview

Robert Kiyosaki, born in April of 1947 in Hawaii, is a prominent figure in the world of personal finance and self-help with a significant presence in media, including books, seminars, workshops, and appearances on various platforms where he discusses his financial philosophies and current economic trends.

Marked as an advocate for financial literacy and emphasizing its absence in traditional education systems, Kiyosaki encourages people to pursue financial education as well as entrepreneurship as a path to financial freedom, placing focus on the importance of having income streams independent of a regular job.

As the bestselling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad’, which forms the foundation of his philosophies, along with its broader sequels, and despite this businessman’s popularity, Kiyosaki is seen as a polarizing figure as his approach to wealth and financial management elicits opposing responses, with some praising his insight and others questioning his methods and motives.

Here’s a look at what some people call the ‘financial guru’ is mostly known for before we explore the varying public sentiments about him. 

What Robert Kiyosaki is Best Known For

Bestselling Author and the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Book Series: 

  • Kiyosaki is renowned for his book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," which has been a bestseller for many years, contrasts the financial philosophies of his "rich dad" (his best friend's father) and his "poor dad" (his own father) and promotes financial independence through investing, real estate, owning businesses, and increasing financial intelligence.

The Power of Investment: 

  • He underscores the importance of investing in one’s own education and skills, not just in formal education but also in learning about investing, markets, and business, advocating for creating streams of passive income through investments like real estate or stocks, which can generate earnings without active involvement, as a path to financial freedom.

The Concept of the Cashflow Quadrant: 

  • In his book "Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant," Kiyosaki introduces the idea of four types of people in business: Employees, Self-employed, Business owners, and Investors - he encourages moving from the left side of the quadrant (Employee and Self-employed) to the right side (Business owner and Investor) for financial success.

The Risk of Relying Solely on Employment: 

  • Kiyosaki often points out the risks of relying solely on a job for financial security, therefore promoting investment and entrepreneurship as means to create additional income - he suggests that owning a business is a more effective way to wealth and his teachings often include strategies for starting and growing successful businesses.

Questioning Conventional Financial Wisdom: 

  • Kiyosaki is known for challenging traditional financial advice, such as the emphasis on saving money and the conventional path of getting a stable job, buying a house, and saving for retirement.

Mindset and Attitude Towards Money: 

  • An active advocate in favor of sharpening one’s own financial literacy, he emphasizes that having the right mindset and attitude towards money is key, and according to Kiyosaki, thinking like a rich person involves seeking opportunities, being open to learning, and not being afraid of failure.

Assets vs. Liabilities: 

  • A central theme in his teachings is the difference between assets and liabilities as Kiyosaki defines an asset as something that puts money in your pocket, like investments or rental properties, whereas a liability takes money out, like a personal residence that requires mortgage payments, maintenance, etc.

Psychological Aspect of Risk: 

  • Often addressing the psychological aspects of dealing with risk and asserting that fear of risk can be a barrier, Kiyosaki emphasizes the need for a strong mindset and emotional intelligence in building wealth, viewing calculated risk-taking as a necessary and integral element, while also emphasizing that avoiding risk altogether can also be risky.

Positive Feedback from the Public

Empowering Financial Education: 

  • Many appreciate Kiyosaki for emphasizing the importance of financial literacy, a subject often overlooked in traditional education. 
  • His teachings are perceived to empower individuals to take control of their financial future and are accessible through an extensive range of books, seminars, and educational materials that Kiyosaki offers to provide a wealth of information that many find useful and applicable.

Simplifying Complex Concepts: 

  • Kiyosaki is praised for his ability to simplify complex financial concepts, making them attainable and understandable to a broad audience, including those without formal financial education.

Promoting Passive Income and Investment: 

  • Many followers credit Kiyosaki with introducing them to the idea of passive income and the importance of making money work for you, particularly through investments like real estate and stocks.

Inspiring and Motivational: 

  • Kiyosaki's advocacy for entrepreneurship resonates with many individuals who aspire to start their own businesses and seek financial independence outside of traditional employment.
  • His ability to motivate and inspire individuals to take action toward improving their financial health is frequently mentioned. 
  • People find his books and talks to be a catalyst for change in their financial behavior.

Real-Life Application and Long-Term Perspective: 

  • Some followers have successfully applied Kiyosaki's principles in their lives, leading to improved financial situations and wealth creation, thereby validating his teachings through practical results.
  • Kiyosaki is commended for advocating a long-term perspective on wealth and financial planning, rather than focusing on quick, short-term gains.

Challenging Conventional Norms and Mindset Shift: 

  • His approach to challenging traditional financial norms and encouraging people to think differently about money and investment is seen as refreshing and eye-opening by many.
  • His work is often lauded for encouraging a shift in mindset from the traditional earn-and-save approach to one that focuses on earning, investing, and creating wealth.

Critiques from the Public

Over-Simplification of Financial Concepts: 

  • Critics argue that Kiyosaki's teachings often oversimplify complex financial concepts, potentially misleading individuals who are new to personal finance.
  • Some people feel that while Kiyosaki's ideas are motivational, they lack actionable steps or detailed guidance for achieving financial success, especially for those with limited initial resources.

Questionable Anecdotes and Stories: 

  • The veracity of Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad" narrative has been questioned, with some critics suggesting that it may be partially or entirely fictionalized.

Promotion of Risky Investment Strategies: 

  • Certain investment strategies advocated by Kiyosaki, particularly in real estate, are seen as risky and potentially unsuitable for average investors.

Commercialization and Upselling: 

  • There is criticism about the commercial aspect of Kiyosaki's empire, including expensive seminars and upselling of additional products and services.

Bankruptcy of Rich Global LLC: 

  • The 2012 bankruptcy of his company, Rich Global LLC, raised questions about the soundness of his financial advice and practices.

Controversial Opinions and Statements: 

  • Kiyosaki is known for making bold and sometimes controversial statements about finance and economics, which have been met with skepticism and criticism.

Neutral Feedback from the Public

Acknowledging Financial Education Importance: 

  • Many recognize the value Kiyosaki places on financial education and agree that it's an often-neglected aspect in traditional schooling, even if they don't fully endorse his methods or teachings.

Balancing Risk and Reward: 

  • There's an understanding that while Kiyosaki promotes potentially lucrative investment strategies, such as real estate, these also come with inherent risks that might not be suitable for everyone.

Mixed Evidence of Success: 

  • Observers note that while some people have found success by following Kiyosaki's teachings, others have not, suggesting that results may vary widely.

Understanding of Controversial Nature: 

  • There's an acknowledgment of the controversial nature of some of Kiyosaki's teachings and statements, recognizing the debates they spark in financial circles without necessarily taking a definitive stance.

Value of Diverse Perspectives: 

  • Neutral opinions often appreciate Kiyosaki's contribution to offering a different perspective on wealth and finance, even if not agreeing with all his viewpoints or methods.

Influence on Financial Discourse: 

  • Regardless of one’s stance on his advice, there's recognition that Kiyosaki has influenced public discourse on personal finance and investment, prompting many to think more critically about their financial decisions.

Conclusions From the public perspective

According to the public, Robert Kiyosaki is a figure who has significantly impacted the field of personal finance and entrepreneurship. 

He is celebrated by many for his unconventional wisdom and criticized by others for his controversial methodologies and the perceived impracticality of his advice. 

The positive remarks highlight how Kiyosaki's teachings have been instrumental in shaping the financial understanding and strategies of a significant number of people, providing them with tools and knowledge to pursue financial independence and success.

In turn, the negative remarks reflect a spectrum of skepticism about the practicality, realism, and integrity of Kiyosaki's advice, illustrating the polarized views surrounding his approach to financial education and wealth building.

Conclusively, the neutral remarks reflect a balanced view of Kiyosaki's impact on financial thinking, acknowledging the merits in his approach to raising financial awareness while also noting the criticisms and limitations of his methodologies

Regardless of these differing views, his influence on the public's understanding of financial independence and education is undeniable.

FAQ: as answered by the Public

What was Robert Kiyosaki's background before becoming a financial educator?

Before his success as a financial educator and author, Kiyosaki had a diverse career path. 

He served in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War, worked in sales for Xerox, and was involved in various business ventures, including a company that produced Velcro wallets.

How did Robert Kiyosaki's early life influence his financial philosophies?

Kiyosaki often cites his upbringing and the contrasting views of his two father figures - his biological father (the "Poor Dad") and his friend's father (the "Rich Dad") - as pivotal in shaping his financial beliefs. 

These experiences laid the foundation for his emphasis on financial education and investing.

Does Robert Kiyosaki invest in stocks or only in real estate?

While Kiyosaki is best known for his advocacy of real estate investing, he also discusses the importance of stocks and other investment vehicles. 

He emphasizes diversification and the value of having multiple streams of income.

What does Kiyosaki say about debt?

Kiyosaki distinguishes between good debt and bad debt. 

He considers good debt as something that helps generate income and increases one's net worth (like a mortgage for a rental property), while bad debt is linked to depreciating assets (like consumer debts).

How does Kiyosaki view retirement savings and traditional retirement plans?

Kiyosaki often criticizes traditional retirement plans like 401(k)s and IRAs, arguing that they offer less control and potential than self-directed investing. 

He advocates for creating passive income streams that can provide financial security in retirement.

Has Kiyosaki collaborated with other financial educators or authors?

Yes, Robert Kiyosaki has collaborated with several other authors and educators. 

For example, he co-authored "Why 'A' Students Work for 'C' Students" with Sharon Lechter and has worked with Donald Trump on "Why We Want You to Be Rich."

The sourcing of information on Robert Kyosaki from the public domain is done through a variety of portals and methods online i.e Academic Platforms (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia). Professional Networking Sites (LinkedIn). Book Websites (Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble). Media Outlets. Podcasts (Spotify, Apple). Social Media Platforms (Twitter (X), YouTube). Public Speaking Conferences (TED Talks). Blogs & Personal Websites. Forums & Discussion Platforms. Web Search Engines.

Readers' Reviews

Rated 4.8 out of 5
4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 4 reviews)
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Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Rated 4.8 out of 5
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Rated 4.8 out of 5
Avatar for David Khisa Sichangi
David Khisa Sichangi

A great experience [On Robert Kiyosaki]

Engaging Expert
Quality of Knowledge
Clarity Of Instruction

A great book to read [Rich Dad Poor Dad]

I've finally been able to determine my financial path.

If you read it, you will be able to avoid financial miscarriage and what you deliver, will grow exponentially with time as your judge

Avatar for Veronica Arenas
Veronica Arenas

It’s very helpful the teaching on this message [On Robert Kiyosaki]

Engaging Expert
Quality of Knowledge
Clarity Of Instruction

I rejected for long time to study about finances - I always a thought was a waste of time!!! Now I realize that I should have done it a long time ago

Avatar for Othmane

Comment [On Robert Kiyosaki]

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Inspiring thoughts

Avatar for Richard

Las inversiones [Translated from Spanish: The investments] [On Robert Kiyosaki]

Engaging Expert
Quality of Knowledge
Clarity Of Instruction

He leído algunos libros de Robert Kiyosaki, y la verdad lo considero uno de los Gurú financieros más importantes de la historia sobre inversiones, anhelo conocerlo algún día y darle las gracias por escribir esos libros tan valiosos para el mundo. Gracias Robert Kiyosaki

[Translated from Spanish: I have read some books by Robert Kiyosaki, and I honestly consider him one of the most important financial Gurus in the history of investments. I long to meet him one day and thank him for writing those books that are so valuable to the world. Thank you Robert Kiyosaki]

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